MeBm2t1-CsA binds to CyPA in an essentially similar manner to CsA. The 100-fold weaker affinity of its binding may be attributable to the close contact between MeBmt1 and the active site residue Ala103 of CyPA, which causes small conformational changes in both protein and drug. One change, the slight movement of MeLeu6 in CsA relative to MeBm2t1-CsA, may be at least partially responsible for the higher affinity of the CyPA-MeBm2t1-CsA complex for calcineurin. Our comparison between CyPA-CsA and CyPA-AlaPro suggests that CsA is probably not an analog of the natural substrate, confirming that the catalytic activity of CyPA is not related to its role in immunosuppression either structurally or functionally.