To study the cleavage mechanism ofbacterial Nase P RNA, we have synthesized precursor tRNA substrates carrying a single Rp-or RNase P is an essential structure-specific endoribonuclease that generates the mature 5' ends of tRNAs. In vitro, RNA subunits of bacterial RNase P enzymes were shown to be catalytically active in the absence of the protein subunit (1). Processing of precursor tRNAs (ptRNAs) by RNase P is an essentially irreversible reaction yielding 3'-OH and 5'-phosphate termini. A solvent hydroxide is thought to act as the nucleophile in an SN2 in-line displacement mechanism (2, 3).To gain a deeper insight into the cleavage mechanism by Escherichia coli RNase P RNA, we have synthesized ptRNA substrates carrying a single Rp-or Sp-phosphorothioate modification at the RNase P cleavage site. The diastereomeric substrates were analyzed for gel-resolvable binding to RNase P RNA and were studied in single turnover experiments in the presence of different divalent metal ions, such as Mg2+, Mn2+, and Cd2+. The following results were obtained: (i) the Spdiastereomer moderately affected ptRNA ground state binding, while the Rp-diastereomer had no effect; (ii) cleavage by RNase P RNA involves direct metal ion coordination to the pro-Rp oxygen; (iii) there is no specific role for Mg2+ at the pro-Sp oxygen; and (iv) cleavage of the Rp-diastereomeric substrate has a lower cooperative dependence (nH = 1.8) upon[Cd2+] than cleavage of the unmodified substrate upon [Mg2+] (nH = 3.3). Implications for the unique RNase P RNA cleavage mechanism are discussed in the context of previously proposed mechanistic models (2-4).
MATERIALS AND METHODS Separation and Identification of Diastereomeric 13-Mers.Oligoribonucleotides of identical sequence (13-mers), either unmodified or carrying a single phosphorothiote modification (5'-CCCUUUCsGCGGGA), were prepared by solid-phase synthesis essentially as described (5, 6). Oligoribonucleotides were purified by reversed-phase HPLC on an ODS C18 Beckman Ultrasphere column at 45°C (5). The material of the peak containing the two diastereomeric 13-mers was vacuumdried, and the Rp-and Sp-diastereomers were separated by a second reversed-phase run at 4°C. The assignment of configuration of the two diastereomeric 13-mers was accomplished by digestion with the stereoselective enzymes snake venom phosphodiesterase I or nuclease P1 essentially as described (6). Phosphorothioate-specific iodine hydrolysis was performed essentially as described recently (7).Assembly of the ptRNAGIY. Chemically synthesized RNA oligomers were phosphorylated at their 5' termini by T4 polynucleotide kinase; T7 transcripts were synthesized in the presence of excess 5'-GMP to obtain 5'-monophosphates (7). Modified or unmodified 13-mers, a second 11-nt RNA oligonucleotide (5'-GUAGCUCAGUC-3', obtained either by chemical RNA synthesis or T7 transcription), and the 3'-portion of the tRNA (obtained by T7 transcription, starting at G+ 18; see Fig. 1) were annealed to a bridging DNA oligonucleotide (complementary to...