Numerical simulation of the seeded batch cooling crystallization process of active pharmaceutical ingredients was performed. Crystal size distribution was observed by focused-beam reflectance measurements and concentration by simultaneous Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. First, kinetic parameters were estimated. Nucleation rate coefficient and order were estimated from the linear regression equation between cooling rate and metastable zone width. The remaining parameters were estimated from the evaluation function. Then, the numerical simulation was performed by utilizing the method of moments. Finally, observed data were compared with simulated data. The simulated values of mean mass size corresponded reasonably with the observed ones.An ethanolic solution of acetaminophen (CH 3 CONHC 6 H 4 OH, AAP) and an aqueous solution of L-arginine (C 6 H 14 N 4 O 2 , Arg) were selected as target substances. Physical properties of these substances are listed in Tab. 1.