Hybrid perovskites are well-known
for their optoelectronic and
photovoltaic properties. Molecular dynamics simulations allow the
study of these soft and ionic crystals by including dynamical effects
(e.g., molecular rotations, octahedra tilting, ionic diffusion and
hysteresis), yet the high computational cost restricts the use of
accurate ab initio forces for bulk or small atomic
systems. Hence, great interest exists in the development of classical
force-fields for hybrid perovskites of low and linear scaling computational
cost, via both empirical methods and machine-learning. This work aims
at extending the transferability of our MYP0 model, which has been
successfully tailored to methylammonium lead iodide (MAPI) and applied
to the study of molecular rotations, vibrations, diffusion of defects,
and many other properties. The extended model, named MYP2, improves
the description of inorganic or hybrid fragments and the processes
of crystal formation while preserving a good description of bulk properties.
More importantly, it allows for the direct simulation of the crystal
growth of cubic MAPI from deposition of PbI and MAI precursors on
the surfaces. Our findings pave the way toward classical force-fields
able to model the microstructure evolution of hybrid perovskites and
the crystalline synthesis from deposition in vacuo.