We report the first known instance
where the formation of layered
crystals in long-spaced polyesters is bypassed on rapid quenching.
Aliphatic polyesters spaced by 18–48 carbons in both the diol
and diacid components of the repeating unit form orthorhombic, highly
symmetric, layered crystals on relatively slow or isothermal crystallization.
Though the unit cell is maintained on rapid quenching to 0 °C
and lamellar crystals still form, the X-ray reflection of the ester
layer disappears in PE-48,48 and weakens in the shorter-spaced polyesters.
Since all crystal thicknesses are larger than the distance between
the two consecutive esters, the esters must be inside the crystals
in a random distribution. On heating, such unlayered crystals transform
into the layered type at temperatures between 45 and 60 °C, which
further melt at 98–115 °C with an increasing methylene
spacer in the polyester. Rapidly quenched PE-48,48 develops only the
unlayered structure, while shorter-spaced polyesters form mixed unlayered
and layered crystals, indicating that a larger depth of quenching
is required for the development of the unlayered form with decreasing
CH2 spacer length. We posit that on fast crystallization,
metastable lamellar crystals form via staggering of chain segments
and random chain folding, locking a structure where the ester groups
are unlayered, while on slower crystallization, ester layering is
facilitated by maximizing packing of the full length of CH2 units via van der Waals interactions and intermolecular dipolar
interactions of ester units. The discovery of unlayered, metastable
structures of polyethylene-like materials developed under fast cooling
from the melt is important for applications that mimic those which
currently utilize commercial polyethylenes and that would benefit
from sustainable monomer sources and material recyclability.