T HIS is a selected list of glaciologicallitera ture on the scie ntific study of snow a nd ice a nd of their effects on the earth ; for the litera ture on polar expeditions, and a lso on the " applied " asp ects of glaciology, such as snow ploughs, read ers should consult the bibliographi es in each issue of the Polar R ecord. For Russian m a terial t he system of translitera tion used is tha t agreed b y the U.S. Boa rd on G eogra phic Nam es and the P erma nent C ommittee on G eogra phical Na mes fo r British Official U se in 1947. R ead ers can greatly assist by sending r epr ints of their publications to th e Society, o r b y informing Dr J . W . Gl en o f publications of g laciological interest. I t shoul d be noted tha t the Society d oes n ot necessaril y hold copi es of th e ite ms in this list, a nd a lso th a t the Society d oes not possess facilities fo r mi c rofilming or photocop ying.