The ultrabright femtosecond X-ray pulses provided by X-ray freeelectron lasers open capabilities for studying the structure and dynamics of a wide variety of systems beyond what is possible with synchrotron sources. Recently, this "probe-before-destroy" approach has been demonstrated for atomic structure determination by serial X-ray diffraction of microcrystals. There has been the question whether a similar approach can be extended to probe the local electronic structure by X-ray spectroscopy. To address this, we have carried out femtosecond X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) at the Linac Coherent Light Source using redox-active Mn complexes. XES probes the charge and spin states as well as the ligand environment, critical for understanding the functional role of redox-active metal sites. Kβ 1,3 XES spectra of Mn II and Mn 2 III,IV complexes at room temperature were collected using a wavelength dispersive spectrometer and femtosecond X-ray pulses with an individual dose of up to >100 MGy. The spectra were found in agreement with undamaged spectra collected at low dose using synchrotron radiation. Our results demonstrate that the intact electronic structure of redox active transition metal compounds in different oxidation states can be characterized with this shotby-shot method. This opens the door for studying the chemical dynamics of metal catalytic sites by following reactions under functional conditions. The technique can be combined with X-ray diffraction to simultaneously obtain the geometric structure of the overall protein and the local chemistry of active metal sites and is expected to prove valuable for understanding the mechanism of important metalloproteins, such as photosystem XES | Kβ emission lines | femtosecond x-ray spectroscopy T he first X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) operating in the hard X-ray regime (1), the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), produces ∼5-to 400-fs X-ray pulses with up to ∼10 12 photons per pulse at 6-10 keV at a repetition rate of 120 Hz. Each of these X-ray pulses is intense enough to expel multiple electrons from the target, which can lead to a Coulomb explosion that destroys the sample. In a shot-by-shot experiment, data are collected from each pulse before the destruction of the sample, and the sample is replenished after each pulse. The feasibility of this "probebefore-destroy" approach for X-ray crystallography experiments using XFEL pulses was first demonstrated by Chapman et al. with various systems and has subsequently been corroborated by others at the LCLS (2-6).Whereas X-ray crystallography is an important method for studying the geometric structure of entire complexes, X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy are powerful techniques for studying the local chemistry in both inorganic systems and metalloproteins. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), where the unoccupied states are probed, has long been applied to various systems using synchrotron radiation (SR) (7-9), and recent advances in this methodology have made it possible to conduc...