We report on dc and microwave experiments of the low-dimensional organic conductors ͑TMTSF͒ 2 PF 6 and ͑TMTSF͒ 2 ClO 4 along the a, bЈ, and c * directions. In the normal state of ͑TMTSF͒ 2 PF 6 below T = 70 K, the dc resistivity follows a power law with a and b Ј proportional to T 2 while c * ϰ T. Above T = 100 K the exponents extracted from the data for the a and c * axes are consistent with what is to be expected for a system of coupled one-dimensional chains ͑Luttinger liquid͒ and a dimensional crossover at a temperature of about 100 K. The bЈ axis shows anomalous exponents that could be attributed to a large crossover between these two regimes. The contactless microwave measurements of single crystals along the bЈ axis reveal an anomaly between 25 and 55 K which is not understood yet. The organic superconductor ͑TMTSF͒ 2 ClO 4 is more a two-dimensional metal with an anisotropy a / b Ј of approximately 2 at all temperatures. Such a low anisotropy is unexpected in view of the transfer integrals. Slight indications to one-dimensionality are found in the temperature dependent transport only above 200 K. Even along the least conducting c * direction no region with semiconducting behavior is revealed up to room temperature.