By means of neutron scattering we have determined new branches of magnetic excitations in orbitally active CoO (T N =290 K) up to 15 THz and for temperatures from 6 K to 450 K. Data were taken in the (111) direction in six single-crystal zones. From the dependence on temperature and Q we have identified several branches of magnetic excitation. We describe a model for the coupled orbital and spin states of Co 2+ subject to a crystal field and tetragonal distortion. Cobaltous oxide is a face-centred antiferromagnet in which (111) ferromagnetic sheets of spins stack antiferromagnetically along [111] directions. At any wave-vector transfer, Q, up to as many as four spin wave modes may arise from domain structure for any particular spin or orbit transition due to the domain structure. The nearest neighbour exchange is frustrated, contributing no molecular field, and it is the next nearest neighbour exchange that breaks the symmetry below T N = 290 K. The nature of the order and fluctuations is still controversial [4,5].We have made high-resolution measurements of the magnetic excitations in the (HHL) plane of a highquality crystal of CoO at 6 K, 320 K and 450 K. In the first set of experiments, with a focusing PG(002) monochromator and flat PG analyzer with E f =3.52 THz, a resolution of 1.2 THz was achieved at 10 THz energy transfer. In a second set of measurements, with a Be(002) monochromator and PG(002) analyzer set to E f =7.37 THz, a resolution of 0.8 THz was achieved for excitations at 10 THz.With both configurations we resolved four peaks at 6 K in the excitation spectrum between 4 and 12 THz as shown in Fig. 1 for different magnetic zones. In a recent study only two broad modes in the same spectral range were detected [6]. Analysis including the Co 2+ magnetic form factor shows that the peak at 9.5 THz is magnetic in origin. The intensities of the peaks at 6.5 THz and 7.6 THz decrease with Q by less than the form factor, suggesting these peaks are