conducting this study and feel the urge to share a few concerns and comments.First, the authors have concluded that "Severe traumatic brain injury patients who received one or more crystalloid boluses had greater rates of ICU admission and mechanical ventilation, longer median ICU length of stay, and more overall complications." In this regard, we think that the comparison groups could have been more properly matched. For instance, the primary shock index is an important feature to determine whether a patient needs more than one crystalloid bolus infusion 2 and also to predict the outcome of patients 3,4 ; thus, it is reasonable to compare the clinical outcomes of patients with the same primary shock index. Furthermore, the type of intervention used to manage traumatic brain injury and other organ injuries can also affect the end clinical outcome. Therefore, patients with the same injuries and the same interventions should be compared with each other so that the endpoint clinical outcomes can be more precisely evaluated.Monitoring the patients could have helped the results be more precise, for instance, if the patients were assessed appropriately regarding fluid responsiveness after administering one bolus of crystalloid. Blood pressure and pulse rate could have been reported to clarify fluid responsiveness in patients and determine their prognosis. Yet another measurable factor is intra-cranial pressure (ICP). Recent guidelines recommend measuring patients' ICP using intraparenchymal monitoring sensors and planning further management steps in accordance with that. 5 In conclusion, considering these factors would allow for a more accurate evaluation of the clinical outcomes of the children with severe traumatic brain injury receiving crystalloid boluses. Further research should be conducted to investigate these concerns and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the effects and management of severe traumatic brain injury. AUTHORSHIP M.G. and M.R.Y. contributed to writing the original draft and S.P. contributed to the supervision, reviewing, and editing.
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