The T d -symmetric [CsO 4 ]+ ion, featuring Cs in an oxidation state of 9, is computed to be am inimum. Cs uses outer core 5s and 5p orbitals to bind the oxygen atoms.T he valence Cs 6s orbital lies too high to be involved in bonding, and contributes to Rydberg levels only.F romamolecular orbital perspective,the bonding scheme is reminiscent of XeO 4 : an octet of electrons to bind electronegative ligands,a nd no low-lying acceptor orbitals on the central atom. In this sense, Cs + resembles hypervalent Xe.Even if we realize that for some heavier elements the border between valence and core orbitals fades, [1] it could still be argued that hard-line distinction is only partially wrong at most;c ome what may,r eactivity would feature the formal valence orbitals in some sort of role.B ut is that unfailingly true?I ti st he first question in this work, in which we theoretically explore [CsO 4 ] + ,amolecule shown in Figure 1.Electrons in core orbitals are often thought of as frozen. Whereas this helps reducing the cost of quantum-chemical calculations,there are cases in which these electrons play as ignificant role in electronic structure and bonding.There exists aprofusion of recent literature on high-pressure effects in elemental solids.S odium, lithium, and aluminum, under high pressures,a ll have their core orbitals overlap.[2] And this happens even for osmium, the most incompressible element. [3] In particular settings,s uch core overlap may push valence electrons to lattice interstitials,s tripping the metal of conductivity,and forming what is referred to as an electride. [4] Direct effects on bonding occur, too:p ressure was shown to turn cesium into ap block element, and mercury into ad 8 transition metal.[5]Cesium fascinates further. In am olecule,i td oes not require extreme conditions to use core orbitals for bonding. Hoffmann and co-workers showed that its occupied 5p orbitals contribute to holding CsF 5 together.[ À ,have received attention too.B ut the literature on these systems reports two distinct oxygen molecules that coordinate to the alkali metal, rather than amolecule of T d symmetry. [9] We start by assessing the thermodynamic and kinetic stability of T d [CsO 4 ] + .C omputation was carried out at ZORA-PBE0/TZ2P,w ith the ADF program.[10] TheP BE0 functional, with inclusion of relativistic effects by ZORA, has been shown to give accurate results for cesium complexes. [11] Calculations predict that T d [CsO 4 ] + is al ocal-minimum equilibrium structure,w ith all Hessian eigenvalues positive. Square-planar D 4h [CsO 4 ] + exists as at ransition state between, and 53.7 kcal mol À1 above,t wo tetrahedral minima with mutually inverted structures. T d [CsO 4 ] + prefers asinglet state-the nearest triplet lies more than 43 kcal mol À1 higher in energy.Itfeatures alarge HOMO-LUMO gap,4.68 eV,as computed at our level of theory.Our minimum of interest is thermodynamically,h ighly unstable towards dissociation, as shown in Figure 2