Recently, non-SOS Positivstellensätze for polynomials on compact semialgebraic sets, following the general form of Schmüdgen's Positivstellensatz, have been derived by appropriately replacing the SOS polynomials with other classes of polynomials. An open question in the literature is how to obtain similar results following the general form of Putinar's Positivstellensatz. Extrapolating the algebraic geometry tools used to obtain this type of result in the SOS case fails to answer this question, because algebraic geometry methods strongly use hallmark properties of the class of SOS polynomials, such as closure under multiplication and closure under composition with other polynomials. In this article, using a new approach, we show the existence of Putinar-type Positivstellensätze that are constructed using non-SOS classes of non-negative polynomials, such as SONC, SDSOS and DSOS polynomials. Even not necessarily non-negative classes of polynomials such as sums of arithmetic-mean/geometric-mean polynomials could be used. Furthermore, we show that these certificates can be written with inherent sparsity characteristics. Such characteristics can be further exploited when the sparsity structure of both the polynomial whose non-negativity is being certified and the polynomials defining the semialgebraic set of interest are known. In contrast with related literature focused on exploiting sparsity in SOS Positivstellensätze, these latter results show how to exploit sparsity in a more general setting in which non-SOS polynomials are used to construct the Positivstellensätze.