1 Re search Cen tre for As tron omy and Earth Sci ences, Konkoly Thege Miklos As tro nom i cal In sti tute, H-1121 Bu da pest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 15-17, Hun gary 2 Uni ver sity of Szeged, Vulcano Pe trol ogy and Geo chem is try Re search Group, De part ment of Min er al ogy, Geo chem is try and Pe trol ogy, Hun gary 3 Re search Cen tre for As tron omy and Earth Sci ences, In sti tute for Geo log i cal and Geo chem i cal Re search, Hun gary 4 In ter na tional Me te or ite Col lec tors As so ci a tion (IMCA#6251) 5 Re search Cen tre for As tron omy and Earth Sci ences, Geo graph ical In sti tute, Hun gary 6 Eötvös Loránd Uni ver sity, De part ment of En vi ron men tal and Land scape Ge og ra phy, Hun gary Kereszturi, A., Fintor, K., Gyollai, L., Kereszty, Z., Szabo, M., Szalai, Z., Wal ter, H., 2018. Shock het er o ge ne ity and shock his tory of the re cently found or di nary Csátalja chondrite in Hun gary. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 62 (2): 433-446, doi: 10.7306/gq.1416Shock im pact-pro duced min eral al ter ations in two thin sec tions of the re cently found Csátalja H4 or di nary chondrite me te orite are com pared. Peak po si tions of Raman and in fra red spec tra of min eral clasts show peaks shifted in wavenumber rel a tive to unshocked ref er ence min er als, and both peak shifts and FWHM val ues seem to cor re late to each other. In the less shocked thin sec tion (Csátalja-1) a more monomineralic and ho mo ge neous com po si tion in di cate shock pres sures of <15 GPa, while the more shocked Csátalja-2 in di cates shock pres sure in the 15-17 GPa range. The high est iden ti fied in frared peak po si tion shifts range be tween -48 and +28 cm -1 with peak broad en ing be tween 60-84 cm -1 in the case of the feldspars, which, to gether with sul phide glob ules, were pro duced by the shock it self. Feld spar spec tra could be de tected only by FTIR spec tros copy, but in most cases (above the S3 shock level) the mixed type of the pyroxene-feld spar spec tra (both peaks in the same spec tra) is in agree ment with the shock-pro duced sec ond ary feld spars. These grains are lo cated around crys tal line bor ders, and prob a bly formed by se lec tive melt ing, due to shock an neal ing. In re con struc tion of the shock his tory, an early frag men ta tion by a lower shock ef fect and a later in creased shock level-re lated vein and melt pocket for ma tion occurred, with sub se quent shock an neal ing; tem po ral re con struc tion of the shock event is pos si ble only in part. The joint us age of Raman and in fra red spec tros copy pro vided use ful in sights into the shock-pro duced changes and their spa tial inhomogeneity, while shocked feld spar could be better de tected by in fra red than by the Raman method.Key words: me te or ite, shock im pact al ter ation, or di nary chondrite, in fra red and Raman spec tros copy.