Aim. Using DNA markers related to the genes encoding β-tubulin in plants, to evaluate the intraspecific genetic polymorphism of Ulmus pumila L. in the Steppe Prydniprov'yia and compare it with the polymorphism of this species within the natural range. Method. Analysis of the intron length of polymorphism of β-tubulin genes (TBPmethod). Results. It was established that the plants differ from each other slightly in terms of the number of identified amplicons and the nature of their distribution when comparing electrophoretic profiles obtained on the basis of the TBP analysis for U. pumila. Half of the fragments found in the samples are rare. The average number of fragments (alleles) on the locus (Ne), Shannon information index (I) and polymorphism information content value (PIC) amounted respectively: 1.26, 0.27, 0.21, and were lower than in natural populations, analyzed using microsatellite markers. Conclusions. U. pumila plants growing in the Steppe Prydniprov'yi for the TBP markers have a lower level of genetic diversity than was found during the analysis of natural populations using other molecular markers. Among the possible reasons may be the nature (methodology) of the creation and age of the tree stands examined, as well as the nature of the genetic markers used to analyze the genetic polymorphism of the species.Keywords: TBP-method, introns, β-tubulin, Ulmus pumila, genetic diversity.