The bacterial flagellar motor is driven by an ion flux through a channel called MotAB in Escherichia coli or Salmonella and PomAB in Vibrio alginolyticus. PomAB is composed of two transmembrane (TM) components, PomA and PomB, and converts a sodium ion flux to rotation of the flagellum. Its homolog, MotAB, utilizes protons instead of sodium ions. PomB/MotB has a peptidoglycan (PG)-binding motif in the periplasmic domain, allowing it to function as the stator by being anchored to the PG layer. To generate torque, PomAB/MotAB is thought to undergo a conformational change triggered by the ion flux and to interact directly with FliG, a component of the rotor. Here, we present the first three-dimensional structure of this torque-generating stator unit analyzed by electron microscopy. The structure of PomAB revealed two arm domains, which contain the PG-binding site, connected to a large base made of the TM and cytoplasmic domains. The arms lean downward to the membrane surface, likely representing a "plugged" conformation, which would prevent ions leaking through the channel. We propose a model for how PomAB units are placed around the flagellar basal body to function as torque generators.There are many essential biological processes coupled to ion potentials across the membrane. These include ATP synthesis by the F 1 F o -ATPase and rotation of the bacterial flagellar motor. In Escherichia coli or Salmonella, an inner membrane complex composed of two components, MotA and MotB (9,50,8,62), converts proton flux into rotation of the flagellum to power bacterial motility (2, 25, 52). The MotAB complex also functions as a stator by being anchored to the peptidoglycan (PG) layer of the cell through a binding motif in the periplasmic domain of MotB (10,23). Other channel complexes, ExbBD and TolQR, have weak sequence similarity to MotAB but utilize the proton motive force to power very different physiological functions (14,24). ExbBD is involved in active transport of iron siderophores and vitamin B 12 through the outer membrane (24), whereas TolQR is known to maintain the integrity of the outer membrane (14). Both complexes need other subunits, TonB for ExbBD or TolAB and Pal for TolQR, to bridge the periplasmic space.Some bacteria, such as alkalophilic Bacillus and Vibrio species, use an electrochemical potential of sodium ions to drive the flagellar motor (59, 39). In Vibrio species, which normally have only one polar flagellum, the four proteins PomA, PomB, MotX, and MotY are necessary to generate torque (59, 39). The maximum rotational speed of the sodium-driven motor in Vibrio alginolyticus is ϳ1,700 Hz (37), whereas the maximum speed of the proton-driven motor in E. coli is ϳ300 Hz (7, 35). PomA and PomB are closely related to MotA and MotB, respectively, whereas paralogs of MotX and MotY (40,41,44) are not found in E. coli. Although the functions of MotX and MotY are not yet clear, it has been shown that they form a ring structure, called the T ring, that protrudes into the periplasmic space ( Fig. 1), where it coul...