The US nuclear energy industry is investigating strategies that further reduce the cost of energy production by using its existing fleet of nuclear generating stations. Most nuclear power plant operating costs are associated with purchasing fresh fuel assemblies or the efficiency of the reactor core design. Material costs are typically beyond the operator's control; however, the core design optimizations offer potential operational savings. The core design envelope available to operators is constrained by two primary regulatory criteria: an enrichment limit of 5% 235 U and a burnup limit of 62 GWD/tU. These constraints have resulted in renewed efforts by the nuclear industry to pursue extending the peak rodaverage burnup beyond 62 GWd/tU. This effort will likely require additional safety analyses beyond what is currently accepted by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate a best estimate plus uncertainty pin-by-pin high-burnup loss of coolant accident analysis technique to assess full-core high-burnup fuel fragmentation, relocation, and dispersal (FFRD) and identify approaches for minimizing or potentially mitigating FFRD through core design optimizations.* T indicates 18-24 month transition cycles + HBu indicates 24 month cycles with increased enrichment and burnup