We prove that the random simple connected cubic planar graph Cn with an even number n of vertices admits a novel uniform infinite cubic planar graph (UICPG) as quenched local limit. We describe how the limit may be constructed by a series of random blow-up operations applied to the dual map of the type III Uniform Infinite Planar Triangulation established by Angel and Schramm (Comm. Math. Phys., 2003). Our main technical lemma is a contiguity relation between Cn and a model where the networks inserted at the links of the largest 3-connected component of Cn are replaced by independent copies of a specific Boltzmann network. We prove that the number of vertices of the largest 3-connected component concentrates at κn for κ ≈ 0.85085, with Airy-type fluctuations of order n 2/3 . The second-largest component is shown to have significantly smaller size Op(n 2/3 ).