This paper extends joint work with R. Friedman to show that the closure of the locus of intermediate Jacobians of smooth cubic threefolds, in the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties (ppavs) of dimension five, is an irreducible component of the locus of ppavs whose theta divisor has a point of multiplicity three or more. This paper also gives a sharp bound on the multiplicity of a point on the theta divisor of an indecomposable ppav of dimension less than or equal to 5; for dimensions four and five, this improves the bound due to J. Kollár, R. Smith-R. Varley, and L. Ein-R. Lazarsfeld.
IntroductionThe geometric Schottky problem is to identify Jacobian varieties among all principally polarized abelian varieties (ppavs) via geometric conditions on the polarization. For a smooth cubic hypersurface X ⊂ P 4 , which we will simply call a cubic threefold, the intermediate Jacobian (J X, X ) is a ppav of dimension five and one can consider the analogous problem, the "geometric Schottky problem for cubic threefolds," which is to identify these intermediate Jacobians among all ppavs of dimension five via geometric conditions on the polarization.Since a theorem of Mumford's [16] states that X has a unique singularity, which is of multiplicity three, it is natural to ask to what extent the existence of triple points on the theta divisor of a ppav of dimension five characterizes intermediate Jacobians of cubic threefolds. In fact, in [6], Friedman and the author showed that a ppav of dimension five whose theta