The field-theoretical result for the low-T behaviour of the correlation length of the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the square lattice was recently improved by Hasenfratz [Eur. Phys. J. B 13, 11 (2000)], who corrected for cutoff effects. We show that starting from his expression, and exploiting our knowledge of the classical thermodynamics of the model, it is possible to take into account non-linear effects which are responsible for the main features of the correlation length at intermediate temperature. Moreover, we find that cutoff effects lead to the appearance of an effective exchange integral depending on the very same renormalization coefficients derived in the framework of the semiclassical pure-quantum self-consistent harmonic approximation: The gap between quantum field-theoretical and semiclassical results is here eventually bridged.PACS numbers: 05.50.+q, 75.10.Jm In the last two decades, thermodynamic properties of the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the squarelattice (QHAF) have been determined by a number of substantially different methods. Theoretical predictions were compared with experimental data for real compounds [1], as well as with numerical simulations obtained by different methods [2,3], and also with high-T series expansions [4]. Despite this effort, however, a comprehensive picture of the subject has not yet been formulated.Much of the analysis and debate on the QHAF has focused on the temperature-and spin-dependence of the staggered correlation length ξ(T, S). Goal of this paper is to show that ξ(T, S) can be expressed aswhere the effective exchange integral J eff (T, S) embodies quantum effects and is defined in terms of purely quantum spin-fluctuations, while ξ cl (T /J cl ) is the correlation length of the classical HAF. In particular, we find that Eq. (1), besides being the outcome of the semiclassical pure-quantum self-consistent harmonic approximation (PQSCHA) [5], remarkably holds also for the quantum field-theoretical prediction [6], as recently improved by Hasenfratz [7]. On the other hand, we show that the PQSCHA, when properly designed to such purpose, allows for a correct description of the low-T regime, via the appearance of the very same J eff (T, S) implicitly entering Hasenfratz's expression. It is a definite suprise that a typical semiclassical expression such as Eq. (1), come out of a field-theoretical result, especially in the case of the QHAF, where semiclassical and field-theoretical approaches seemed destined to describe different regions of the (T, S) plane, with no possible overlap.The QHAF is defined by the spin Hamiltonianwhere J>0, i=(i 1 , i 2 ), d=(±1, ±1), and lengths are in lattice units; the spinThe correlation length ξ(T, S) is defined via the asymptotic behaviour, lim |r|→∞ G(r) ∝ e −|r|/ξ , of the staggered correlation function G(r)≡(−1) r1+r2 Ŝ z iŜ z i+r , with r=(r 1 , r 2 ) any vector on the square lattice.The classical counterpart of the QHAF corresponds to the limit S→∞ with JS 2 →J cl , that gives the classical Hamiltonian H=...