“…Baseline correction was performed to the 100 ms period preceding the onset of the cue. To investigate lateralised effects of attention, three time intervals were analysed; ADAN (400–600 ms), LDAN (600–800 ms) and LSN (900–1100 ms), in line with previous studies ( Gherri et al, 2016 , Jones and Forster, 2012 ). Each time interval was analysed separately with mixed-factors ANOVA including the between-subject factor Group (high vs low SDQ-20 score), and within-subject factors Region (Regions where the presence of lateralized ERP components has been previously reported: anterior, central vs posterior), Hemisphere (contralateral vs ipsilateral to the cue location) and Electrode (21/34, 37/49 vs 22/33 corresponding to F3/4, F7/8 vs FC5/6 for anterior regions; 17/11, 31/24 vs 47/39 corresponding to C3/4, CP5/6 vs T7/8 for central regions; and 44/42, 45/41 vs 29/26 corresponding to P3/4, P7/8, O1/2 for posterior regions).…”