8Mosquito-borne pathogens contribute significantly to the global burden of disease, infecting 9 millions of people each year. Mosquito feeding is critical to the transmission dynamics of 10 pathogens, and thus it is important to understanding and interpreting mosquito feeding patterns.
11In this paper we explore mosquito feeding patterns and their implications for disease ecology 12 through a meta-analysis of published blood meal results collected across Australia from more 13 than 12,000 blood meals from 22 species. To assess mosquito-vertebrate associations and 14 identify mosquitoes on a spectrum of generalist or specialist feeders, we analysed blood meal 15 data in two ways; first using a novel odds ratio analysis, and secondly by calculating Shannon 16 diversity scores. We find that each mosquito species had a unique feeding association with 17 different vertebrates, suggesting species-specific feeding patterns. Broadly, mosquito species 18 could be grouped broadly into those that were primarily ornithophilic and those that fed more 19 often on livestock. Aggregated feeding patterns observed across Australia were not explained 20 by intrinsic variables such as mosquito genetics or larval habitats. We discuss the implications 21 for disease transmission by vector mosquito species classified as generalist-feeders (such as 22 Aedes vigilax and Culex annulirostris), or specialists (such as Aedes aegypti) in light of 23 potential influences on mosquito host choice. Overall, we find that whilst existing blood meal 24 studies in Australia are useful for investigating mosquito feeding patterns, standardisation of 25 blood meal study methodologies and analyses, including the incorporation of vertebrate 26 surveys, would improve predictions of the impact of vector-host interactions on disease 27 2 ecology. Our analysis can also be used as a framework to explore mosquito-vertebrate 28 associations, in which host availability data is unavailable, in other global systems. 29 Keywords 30 Blood meal; associations; vector; vertebrate; disease risk; blood feeding 31 on positive and negative experiences, in essence, adapting feeding choices according to their 52 individual circumstances [4]. 53 Mosquito-host relationships in Australia are largely understudied. The island biogeography of 54 Australia and its varied climatic zones and bioregions promote a unique endemic biodiversity 55 for mosquito and vertebrate host species. Along with a high diversity of native marsupials, 56 placental mammals and birds in Australia, there are more than 300 species of mosquitoes 57 described, many of which are unique to the continent [15]. The interactions between these 58 populations of mosquitoes and vertebrate hosts across different climatic zones provide 59 opportunities for maintenance and emergence of mosquito-borne pathogens. The transmission 60 of numerous medically-important arboviruses has been documented in Australia to date, 61 including dengue (DENV), Ross River (RRV), Murray valley encephalitis (MVEV), Barmah 62 Forest (BFV) an...