The study of criminal thinking and criminal behavior is complex because they can be influenced by many variables. Traditionally, researchers have tried to explain them through the study of several biological, psychological, and social factors. As an example, Ward et al. ( 2019) aimed to understand criminal behavior by including biological, psychological, social, and cultural aspects from different disciplines. Also, it is important to remember that decision making, a construct that contains both rational and emotional variables, has a heavy impact on human behavior, and suggests criminal behavior can be influenced by those variables (Campello et al., 2016). In this study, it is proposed that some psychological dimensions, such as criminal thinking, prosocial behavior, or emotional intelligence, have an impact on the study of criminal behavior and can also be used to predict it. Also, despite the fact that they have not h t t p s : / / j o u r n a l s. c o p m a d r i d. o rg / a p j