We distinguish normal human creativity from the originative nature of genuine innovation using the orders of hierarchical complexity. These account for why major scientific innovators are rare. The four postformal orders of hierarchical complexity are presented in terms of scientific tasks performed at each stage. Historical scientific innovations at the highest orders are empirically scored. Innovators' personality traits are scored, indicating metasystematic stage 12 is a minimum requirement. Global needs to produce more scientific innovators require institutional changes of the metasystematic order of hierarchical complexity.Keywords: creativity, cross-paradigmatic, fractal, innovation, metasystematic, paradigmatic, personality traits, postformal, Spherical Standing Wave Structure of Matter in Space, systematic, scientific The focus of this chapter is on postformal creativity and the forms it has taken in science. The purpose is to illustrate why postformal thought is a requisite for genuine innovation. Creativity and innovation are common concepts, and demonstrationS of them are claimed far and wide for many endeavors on a quite regular basis. The task we have set for this article is to discriminate truly originative work from other kinds of creativity. We invoke the Model of Hierarchical Complexity to explain this distinttion.In a general sense, creativity is quite common. It does not take much thought to realize that at each stage of performance, the new task successfully accomplished is creative and novel for the individual or group successfully completing the task. Creativity, in that sense, has a narrow scope because it is performer-bound to that instance: it is not necessarily novel to others or even socially relevant. Every day, individuals or groups somewhere discover they can perform a new task or come up with a new solution to a problem. These are new for them and genuinely novel at that individual or group level. However, the accomplishments or ideas may very well be "old news" to many others. Thus, it is valuable to note that increases in hierarchical complexity, task by task, are by definition creative acts, and they are natural aspects of being a human actively functioning in the world.Genuinely originative work is qualitatively and quantitatively different. It involves understanding large "chunks" of current knowledge, building on such knowledge, making novel connections for purposeful reasons, and subsuming current knowledge in the course of creating new knowledge. In other words, it means genuinely transcending existing knowledge and assumptions, and originating understandings previously not known, not conceived, not assumed, and/ or simply not used. Such behavior indicates that the innovator has novel insights into complex challenges of some kind. Generally, it requires a new synthesis of systems (performed at the metasystematic order), of metasysterns (performed at the paradigmatic order), or of paradigms (performed at the cross-paradigmatic order). These orders of hierarchical ...