Recently, genome editing in mouse zygotes has become convenient and scalable, in
association with various technological developments and improvements such as novel
nuclease tools, alternative delivery methods, and contemporary reproductive engineering
techniques. We have so far demonstrated the applicability of ultra-superovulation,
in vitro fertilization (IVF), and vitrification/warming of zygotes in
microinjection-mediated mouse genome editing. Moreover, an electroporation-mediated method
has rapidly become established for simple gene knockout and small precise modifications
including single amino acid substitutions. Here, we present an updated example of an
application coupling the following three latest technologies: 1) CRISPR–Cas9
ribonucleoprotein as the most convenient genome-editing reagent, 2) electroporation as the
most effortless delivery method, and 3) cryopreserved oocytes created by IVF via
ultra-superovulation as the most animal welfare- and user-friendly strategy. We
successfully created gene knockout and knock-in mice carrying insertion/deletion mutations
and single amino acid substitutions, respectively, using the streamlined production system
of mouse genome editing described above, referred to as the CREATRE (CARD-based
Reproductive Engineering-Assisted Technology for RNP Electroporation) system. Owing to its
accessibility, robustness, and high efficiency, we believe that our CREATRE protocol will
become widely used globally for the production of genome-edited mice.