“…However, failure of extubation and a need for reintubation is clearly associated with high risk of mortality and other adverse consequences including higher risk of pneumonia and longer ICU or hospital length of stay. 1 – 4 Previous studies have identified subset of patients at a higher risk of extubation failure including older age, 2 , 5 higher disease severity, 2 , 5 longer duration of invasive ventilation, 1 , 4 patients with underlying chronic obstructive airway disease with hypercapnia (PaCO 2 >45 mm Hg) at extubation, 6 congestive heart failure, 2 poor neurological status, 1 , 7 underlying chronic kidney disease, 1 poor cough, 6 , 7 higher cumulative fluid balance at extubation, 1 , 8 and previous failed spontaneous breathing trial (SBT). 9 …”