The type material in small collections constitutes unique specimens for detailed knowledge of local biota that bridge critical gaps in our taxonomic and geographic understanding of global biodiversity. We present the first catalog of all dry-type insects deposited in the Invertebrates Collection at the Charles Darwin Research Station between Oct 1964 and May 2024. For each species, we compiled collection data, including: taxonomic rank, original combination, number of the page in the publication where the species was described, photograph, accepted name, type material category, sex, collection codes, condition, and additional data found on the labels. As result of our work, we provide information of four holotypes and 501 paratypes, belonging to 89 species of the orders Blattodea, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Orthoptera. The decade of the 1990s and the first years prior to 2010 is the period when the greatest collections of Lepidoptera were conducted. The specimens were collected mostly from Isabela. With this catalog we follow Recommendation 72.F4 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), this catalog was prepared to facilitate taxonomic research by integrating and disclosing collection data. We provided detailed information about our type specimens which enhances the accessibility of extant species and their physical location.