Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian longhorn beetle, ALB) and Anoplophora chinensis (Citrus longhorn beetle, CLB) are native forest pests in China; they have become important international quarantine pests. They are found using the same Salix aureo‐pendula host tree of Cixi, Zhejiang province, China. On this host tree, we collected additional beetles that appeared to be morphologically intermediate between ALB and CLB. By using a stereoscope, we observed that there were several bumps on the base of the elytra, which was inconsistent with ALB, which typically has a smooth elytral base, but was more like CLB, which has numerous short tubercles on the elytral base. Given their sympatry and intermediate morphology, we hypothesized that these may represent ALB × CLB hybrids. We studied the genomic profiles for 46 samples (ALB, CLB, and putative hybrids) using genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) providing a reduced representation of the entire genome. Employing principal component analyses on the 163 GBS‐derived single nucleotide polymorphism data, we found putative hybrids tightly clustered with ALB, but genetically distinct from the CLB individuals. Therefore, our initial hybrid hypothesis was not supported by genomic data. Further, while mating experiments between adult ALB and CLB were successful in 4 separate years (2017, 2018, 2020, and 2021), and oviposition behavior was observed, no progeny was produced. Having employed population genomic analysis and biological hybridization experiments, we conclude that the putative hybrids represent newly discovered morphological variants within ALB. Our approach further confirmed the advantage of genome‐wide information for Anoplophora species assignment in certain ambiguous classification cases.