The last part of a numerical study of low-pressure nitrogen cold plasma created by a pulsed discharge in a point-to-plane geometry at 4 Torr is presented.The present work deals with the discharge and plasma behaviour during the falling part of a rectangular shaped applied voltage pulse and completes our investigation of the discharge under the stress of this voltage shape.The relative model is based on fluid description of the cold plasma, on Poisson's equation for the electric field and on balance equations for the excited population taking into account only the most important generation and decay mechanisms of the radiative B 3Πg, C 3Πu and the metastables
states of nitrogen, according to the conclusions of our recent work (Potamianou et al 2003 Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 22 179–88). Results for space and time evolution of the charged particles densities, electric field, potential and electron current density are reported. According to these results, a non-neutral channel is formed that evolves slowly and ends in the formation of a double layer. Excited particle distributions are presented and the influence of the electron current density discussed. It seems that, in this kind of discharge, creation of active particles is not only due to electron current density but also physicochemical mechanisms. The obtained results will help to determine optimal conditions for polymer surface treatment.