The purpose of the article is to present the research results on the land surface temperature change in the frame of the Edu- cational and Professional Program «Ecology and Environmental Protection» developed at the Department of Environmental Sciences at National Aviation University, where the importance of the development of education in the noosphere paradigm is emphasized, as the most integral bio-adequate basis for the interaction of society and the environment in the conditions of today’s challenges. The climate’s change and the land surface temperature, as an integral part of it, are highlighted to tackle the environmental challenges in- cluding those connected with the warfare activities in the country. Development of the remote sensing technique within the framework of the Educational and Professional Program provides students with the opportunity to perform the environment changes assessment due to long-term anthropogenic stress, and also acquire knowledge and skills from the new course of «Adaptation to Climate Change», introduced to strengthen the ability to survive and effectively work and study in conditions of global climate change. The land surface temperature assessment is considered on the examples of the highly technologically loaded areas within the central part of the Ukrainian Shield, in particular the mining area and thermal power plant. Land surface temperature is one of the key features that could represent environmental changes caused by anthropogenic influence, for example, urbanization. It makes land surface temperature an appropriate Earth’s attribute that combines remote sensing and environmental sciences in the sense of environmental education. It is clear, that its influence on environment is intuitive for students and it could be represented using geoinformation systems. Land surface estimation is still a challenging task for non-specialists but its ecological significance makes land temperature mapping useful and important in environmental education.