The purpose of this report is to identify the appropriate indications for treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) based on review of currently available information on the natural history of AAA and the results of treatment. An attempt is made to provide a framework for risk analysis based on comorbid conditions that might be present in a specific patient. No attempt is made to assess treatment in relation to cost/benefit analysis. Since aneurysms represent a disease process that can bring death and suffering, developing appropriate indications represents an attempt to reduce those risks.Thoracic aneurysms and thoracoabdominal aneurysms are not considered in this review.
Source of dataThe indications described herein are derived after review of the articles published in the Englishlanguage literature over the past 25 years. The articles included in the list of references with this report represent a selection of those thought to provide an unbiased view of the natural history of AAAs and those thought to be particularly pertinent to the development of the indications recommended.Even though there are several prospective ran-From the Subcommittee on Indications for Aneurysm Surgery appointed under the auspices of the Joint Council of the Society for Vascular Surgery and the North American Chapter of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery.