OBJECTIVE:To determine the prognosis of antenatally detected renal anomalies by sonographic evaluation.MATERIALS AND METHODS:This was a follow-up study of all antenatally detected renal anomalies from January 2008 to Dec 2009 referred to fetal medicine clinic. Prenatal evaluation was done and cases were divided into four groups depending upon their prenatal sonographic findings. Post natal follow-up was done up to one year in cases of live babies. Autopsy was carried out in still born fetus after consent.RESULTS:The renal anomaly was detected in 55 cases, which were fully followed. The prognosis was said to be poor for group I cases with gross extra renal anomaly along with the renal anomaly, and for group II in which there was organic renal pathology with loss of renal function suggested by non-visualization of bladder and almost absent liquor. Prognosis was guarded and depended upon the gestational age of presentation in group III, which had obstructive uropathy; prognosis was good in group IV cases, which were mild, unilateral or which presented late.CONCLUSION:Prenatal sonographic evaluation gives reasonably accurate picture of the prognosis and can be very helpful in counseling the parents regarding prognosis and help in deciding the timing and route of delivery.