A general problem for light emitting diodes (LEDs) operating in various spectral intervals is related to the phenomenon of "crowding" of the cur rent lines in some regions of a multilayer LED struc ture, which is caused by rather high resistivities of lay ers and specific features of the LED exterior design that are determined by the need to extract radiation. The current crowding effect is well known in LEDs operating in both visible (based on InGaN [1] and AlGaInP [2]) and IR (InAsSb [3]) spectral intervals. Several investigations have been devoted to numerical simulation [4,5] and analytical modeling [1,6,7] of current spreading in LEDs. These works were aimed at improvement of current spreading in the active region of devices through optimization of the internal param eters (resistance and thickness of the substrate, con finement layers, and current spreading layers) and the geometry of contacts. It was also pointed out that cur rent crowding led to the activation of nonradiative recombination, local heating of the device structure, and a resulting decrease in the IQE of LEDs. However, no quantitative calculations of the influence of current crowding on the IQE have been performed so far.Because of the dominant role of nonradiative recombination in narrow bandgap semiconductors, the current crowding effect must be especially pro nounced in LEDs operating in the mid IR range. For this reason, we have studied mid IR LEDs based on InAsSb/InAs heterostructures, the production tech nology and main performance parameters of which are well known (see, e.g., [8,9]). This Letter presents the results of calculations of the IQE of InAsSb/InAs LEDs as a function of the injection level with allow ance for the current crowding effect.We have considered InAsSb/InAs LEDs of stan dard planar design with a round n contact of radius r 0 = 50 μm on the upper surface (Fig. 1a). The spatial distributions of current density were performed by assuming axial symmetry of the structure (LEDs have a cylindrical shape with external radius R = 300 μm). Taking into account data [8] on the internal structure of InAsSb/InAs LEDs, the proposed model takes into account the three most important layers, which are characterized by their thicknesses and resistivities: p InAs substrate (d p , ρ π ), n InAsSb active layer (d al , ρ al ), and upper n InAsSbP spreading layer (d n , ρ n ). Calculations were performed for the following numer ical values of these parameters:d n = 5 μm, ρ n = 6.2 × 10 -4 Ω cm; d p = 200 μm, ρ p = 4.1 × 10 -2 Ω cm; and d al = 2 μm. It is assumed that the active layer is characterized by a nonlinear resistance of the p-n junction, which is calculated using the diode current-voltage character istic as follows:where ϕ al is the voltage drop on the active layer, k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature, e is the electron charge, β is the ideality factor of the p-n junction, and j 0 is the saturation current density. All calculations were performed for β = 1, T = 300 K, and the saturation current density j 0 ...