We systematically study the nonequilibirum Kondo mechanisms of quantum noise spectrum based on the accurate dissipaton-equation-of-motion evaluations. By comparing the noise spectra between the equilibrium and nonequilibrium cases and between the non-Kondo and Kondo regimes, we identify the nonequilibrium Kondo features in the current noise spectrum, appearing in the region of ω ∈ [−eV, eV ]. The Kondo characteristic at ω = ±eV = ±(µL − µR) display asymmetrical upturns and remarkable peaks in S(ω) and dS(ω)/dω, respectively. These features are originated from the Rabi interference of the transport current dynamics, with the Kondo oscillation frequency of |eV |. The minor but very distinguishable inflections, crossing over ω = −eV to ω = +eV , would be related to a sort of Kondo-Fano interference between two Kondo resonances channels.