The primary current distribution in a bipolar electrochemical reactor with outside inlet and outlet electrolyte manifolds was investigated by numerical solution of the Laplace equation and by experimental measurement in simulated cells made from conductive paper and segmented electrodes. The geometric parameters determining the distribution were the interelectrode gap, electrode length, transverse section and length of the electrolyte manifold. The effect of the number of electrodes in the bipolar stack was also analysed. Values obtained numerically have been compared with those obtained experimentally and a good agreement is observed between them. These results are useful for estimating the performance of the bipolar stack.
List of symbols aGeometric parameter of the manifold (m) A Transverse section of the electrolyte manifold (m 2 ) bGeometric parameter of the manifold (m) d r Mean relative deviation (%) eInterelectrode gap (m) G Length of the electrolyte manifold (m) jCurrent density (A m -2 ) j mean Mean current density (A m -2 )