Using time-dependent density matrix renormalization group calculations we study the transport properties (I − V curves and shot noise) of the interacting resonant level model (IRLM) in a large range of the interaction parameter U , in the scaling limit. We find that these properties can be described remarkably well by those of the Boundary sine-Gordon model (BSG), which are known analytically . We argue that the two models are nevertheless in different universality classes out of equilibrium: this requires a delicate discussion of their infra-red (IR) properties (i.e. at low voltage), where we prove in particular that the effective tunneling charge is e in the infra-red regime of the IRLM (except at the self-dual point where it jumps to 2e), while it is known to be a continuously varying function of U in the BSG. This behavior is confirmed by careful analysis of the numerical data in the IR. The remarkable agreement of the transport properties, especially in the crossover region, remains however unexplained.