In a high-frequency capacitively coupled plasma (HF-CCP), few studies have been carried out for the transport of charged particles in the active bulk plasma with high electronegativity. The electric field E(t), specifically, time-varying reduced field E(t)/Ng provides key knowledge about the characteristics of collisional bulk plasma. Numerical modeling is the only method for estimating E(t)/Ng, while a limited number of collision cross sections and related transport parameters are available. Under these circumstances, we discuss how to estimate the reduced field E(t)/Ng, i.e., E(t) in active bulk plasma with high electronegativity in HF-CCP through investigation of the correlation between the DC-critical reduced field (E/Ng)Crit: and the HF-effective reduced field (E(t)/Ng)eff . Our previous discussion on the correlation is validated by increasing the number of results of (E(t)/Ng)eff . The relation between the electronegativity and the ionization degree is derived from the sustainable condition in the bulk plasma.