In order to obtain high quality aero-engine blades, the adaptive belt grinding method including 840D CNC belt grinding machine, 828D robot, Win3Ds coordinate measuring machine and digital silo is applied to the precision grinding of blades. However, the data collected by each device cannot be uploaded and downlinked in time and effectively, resulting in a problem of poor communication between heterogeneous data information. So, this paper proposes an interactive strategy for heterogeneous data for the adaptive processing method of airborne blades. Firstly, based on the analysis of the heterogeneous data integration characteristics in the processing process, the interactive approach of XML-based integrated aero-engine data integration is studied. Secondly, an integrated model and interaction mechanism for data during the grinding process is established. Finally, the experimental verification of the interaction strategy is carried out for typical blades. The validation results show that after the heterogeneous data is realized, the data interactive transmission is accurate and the processing blade profile accuracy is within the design range.