This article considers the current problems of near-critical flows. It provides short characteristics of each phenomenon and describes the cases of near-critical flow formation during the operation of the different hydraulic structures. Each of the considered phenomena has a number of characteristic features which distinguish them from the usual subcritical and supercritical flows with smooth or slowly varied movement. Such properties include the wave-like or roller nature of free-surface curves, the presence of a streamline inclination and curvature, and also a non-hydrostatic pressure distribution in depth mainly in the vertical cross-section of these phenomena. Therefore, during mathematical and numerical simulations at the designing stage of hydraulic structures it is necessary to take into account the additional parameters which characterise the particularities of near-critical flows. In cases in which these moments are neglected, there are many cases of accidents and damage being caused to structures which are operated in conditions of near-critical flow formation. An objective of this work is to provide a detailed analysis of the particularities of near-critical flows and show their negative consequences on hydraulic structures. The article presents the results of the mathematical and hydraulic simulation of wavelike near-critical flows and a comparison of the full-scale measurement and a mathematical model of translation waves.