This paper aims to reveal ESD event that is usually overlooked during HGA dynamic test operation and how a solution to the problem has been established. Experiments were conducted to determine a hidden ESD source by using two diferent designs of dynamic test shoe. ESD events were captured during unloading and reloading of HGA BFCpad to the old shoe fixture (original design). Tribocharging andfield-induced charging are both suspects in the observed failures. These results are consistent with CDM type ESD failure. Results show how this event caused severe magnetic or melting damage to the GMR sensor, We were able to measure of about 155 volts (negative charge) on BFC kupton ajler unloadingfi-om the old shoe DET fixture. Our fast digital oscilloscope captured 131.2 mA (ma) at I nanosecond current tramients during metal contact of MR exposed lead. This causes a great yield loss at HSA level manufacturing for that particular prototype program.A solution was established by re-designing the BFC insertion nest and clamp of shoe fucture and using dissipative base and clamp materials. An enhanced design is also incorporated whereby the fixture can stand alone during insertion of BFC to the nest and unloadingfiom the shoe clamp. Therefore, thk newfixture (mod$ed design) minimizes the risk of tribocharge voltage against the BFC kapton and metal contact event.