The purpose of the work is to substantiate theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for improving the management of innovative activities of pharmaceutical companies (PC) for the implementation of strategic tasks regarding innovative development and increasing competitiveness.
Materials and methods. To achieve the goal of the study, scientific sources on innovation management and intellectual property management and the peculiarities of the organization of innovation processes in pharmacy were analyzed. When conducting research, methods of information search, systematization, comparison, and generalization were used, as well as the method of expert evaluations, taxonomic analysis, and a graphic method to increase the clarity of the presentation of the material.
The results. The main directions and features of innovative activity in pharmacy have been studied. A generalized algorithm for managing innovative activities in pharmaceutical companies is given. The relevance of evaluating and managing the innovative potential of PC to achieve a synergistic effect from the use of resources involved in innovative activities is substantiated. A structural model of the innovative potential of PC is proposed, which considers the peculiarities of the flow of innovative processes in pharmacy, related to the development and introduction of new pharmaceuticals to the market. A methodical toolkit for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the innovative potential of PC has been defined. To improve the management of the PC's innovative activity, a methodology for determining the range of management decisions is proposed based on the results obtained in the framework of creating a report on the patent landscape.
Conclusions. In order to achieve the provision of effective and safe domestic drugs to the population of Ukraine, it is necessary to intensify research in the direction of the formation of an effective system of management of the innovative activity of pharmaceutical companies (PC), focused on their gradual transition to an innovative development model. The conducted analysis showed that despite a sufficiently large number of publications devoted to the problems of innovation management, issues related to the problem of forming an effective system of managing the innovative activity of PCs, as well as choosing an effective toolkit for evaluating and managing their innovative potential, taking into account the specifics of the flow of innovative processes in pharmacy, remain insufficiently disclosed and require further research. The proposed structural model of the innovative potential of the FC, a justified methodological toolkit for its assessment, as well as the construction of a cognitive map to determine the most appropriate key components and directions for further improvement and development of the innovative potential will contribute to increasing the efficiency of the innovative activities of enterprises and the implementation of the goals of the innovation strategy. The developed algorithm of preventive management of innovative activity of the PC, aimed at improving the quality of decisions made on innovation management thanks to the use of patent landscape tools, will also contribute to the faster entry into the market of domestically produced innovative medicinal products