Public r^»t1Ji^ burden for ttils colleclion of infonratlOT is eslimateiJ to average 1 hour per response, Induding the time (or rev gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and revievwng the cdiecUon of infonnaOjm. Send We report on the design and fabrication of THz detectors based on silicon germanium nanostructures grown by MBE to obtain intersubband transitions in ttie energy range from 4.1 meV to 41 meV (1 to 10 THz). The absorption and photoresponse was characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and simulated using a 6 band k»p band structure calculation. A multistep SiGe quantum well structure was designed and fabricated to have transitions between two heavy hole (HH) states. The best device, SGC 439, had an absorption spectrum that agreed reasonably with the photocurrent spectrum and showed response peaks at 280 and 360 cm-1 (8. This is the final report of our one year program to study the possibility of THz detection based on SiGe nanotechnology. It is necessary to use quantum wells for this study to obtain intersubband transitions in the desired energy range fix>m 4.1 meV to 41 meV, corresponding to 1 to 10 THz. We are growmg silicon germanium quantum wells and nanostructures by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE).