PACS 05.40.-a -Fluctuation phenomena in statistical physics PACS 03.65.Yz -Decoherence in quantum mechanicsAbstract. -We consider a driven quantum particle in the strong friction regime described by the quantum Smoluchowski equation. We derive Crooks and Jarzynski type relations for the reduced quantum system by properly generalizing the entropy production to take into account the nonGibbsian character of the equilibrium distribution. In the case of a nonequilibrium steady state, we obtain a quantum version of the Hatano-Sasa relation. We, further, propose an experiment with driven Josephson junctions that would allow to investigate nonequilibrium entropy fluctuations in overdamped quantum systems.Thermodynamic processes at the nanoscale are governed by both thermal and quantum fluctuations. It has lately been recognized that for classical nanosystems the second law of thermodynamics has to be generalized in order to include effects induced by thermal fluctuations. The latter are usually vanishingly small in macroscopic systems and are, therefore, neglected in the traditional formulation of thermodynamics [1]. These generalizations of the second law take the form of fluctuation theorems that quantify the occurrence of negative fluctuations of quantities like work, heat and entropy [2,3]. A remarkable property of these new thermodynamic identities is their general validity arbitrarily far from equilibrium. An important example of a fluctuation theorem is the one derived by Crooks [4]: it relates the probability distributions of work, ρ F (W ) and ρ R (W ), along forward and reversed transformations of a system according to,Here ∆F is the free energy difference between final and initial states. Equation (1) indicates that large negative work fluctuations are exponentially suppressed and, hence, not observable in macroscopic systems. In its integrated form, the Crooks relation reduces to an equality previously obtained by Jarzynski [5], connecting the equilibrium free energy difference ∆F to the nonequilibrium work W via,In the above equation, the average ... is taken over the forward work distribution. It is essential to realize that Eqs. (1) and (2) In this paper, we derive quantum generalizations of the classical Crooks and Jarzynski relations, Eqs. (1) and (2), in the strong friction regime. Previous studies on isolated or weakly coupled quantum systems can be found in Refs. [14][15][16][17], while an extension to the strongly coupled regime has been recently put forward in Ref. [18]. In the following, we use the quantum generalization of the Smoluchowski equation to treat both thermal and quantum fluctuations. Using the Onsager-Machlup path-integral representation, we show that the free energy difference for a driven quantum system can be obtained from its reduced semiclassical density operator. We, moreover, propose an experiment involving a driven Josephson junction that would allow to test our predictions.Quantum Smoluchowski equation. -In the limit of high friction, the off-diagonal matrix elements x|ρ(t)...