The issue of chemical interaction between cultivated and weedy plants requires detailed study, because the start of competitive relations between them begins at the early stages of organogenesis. The working hypothesis of our research involves the different influence of water-soluble secretions of above-ground and underground organs of segetal vegetation on the germination processes of common bean seeds. The article summarizes the results of studying the phytotoxicity of certain organs of the most common weeds of Vinnytsia region on the germination of common bean seeds. The aim of the study was to establish the allelopathic effect of aqueous extracts at a concentration of 1:10 from the root system, stems and leaves of weeds on beans at the initial stage of ontogenesis. Based on the results of biotesting, it was established that the presence of allelopathically active substances of all twelve experimental weed species had a negative effect on the germination of common bean seeds. In the control variant, all the seeds of the culture germinated in 4 days, while in the experimental variants 3-4% of the seeds were only in the swelling phase. Water extracts from various species and parts of weeds had a significant inhibitory effect on bean seed germination and subsequent growth. The influence of water-soluble secretions from the underground organs of perennial weeds: Elytrigia repens L. and Cirsium arvense L. was particularly strong. It led to a decrease of 43.1% and 41.7% of the length of the germinal root. Water-soluble secretions from the leaves of these weeds had a slightly smaller effect on bean germination - the delay in root growth was 28.4% and 26.3%. The effect of the knees of young weeds on the length of the radicle ranged from 25.7% (Erodium cicutarium L.) to 9.0% (Stellaria media L.). The allelopathic effect of substances from the leaves of Stellaria media L., Galinsoga parviflora Cav., and Chenopodium album L. had the least effect on bean root growth. The lag from control was 5.0%, 11.7% and 13.9% according to the variants. The obtained research results allow us to place the phytotoxic effect of water-soluble secretions from the organs of weeds in descending order: underground organs (rhizome and root sprouts of perennial species; root system of few annual species)>stem>leaves.