In previous work we showed that the contact category algebra of a quadrangulated surface is isomorphic to the homology of a strand algebra from bordered sutured Floer theory. Being isomorphic to the homology of a differential graded algebra, this contact category algebra has an A-infinity structure, allowing us to combine contact structures not just by gluing, but also by higher-order operations.In this paper we investigate such A-infinity structures and higher order operations on contact structures. We give explicit constructions of such A-infinity structures, and establish some of their properties, including conditions for the vanishing and nonvanishing of A-infinity operations. Along the way we develop several related notions, including a detailed consideration of tensor products of strand diagrams. * P • U 4 (M ), and * CR = A * Pmin inserts a crossing at P min to this diagram. All the other diagrams in U n (M ) are crossed at P min , and applying the creation operator gives zero.