The electronic structure of transition-metal
oxides is a key component
responsible for material’s optical and chemical properties.
Specifically for metal-oxide structures, the crystal-field interaction
determines the shape, strength, and occupancy of electronic orbitals.
Consequently, the crystal-field splitting and resulting unoccupied
state populations can be foreseen as modeling factors of the photochemical
activity. Herein, we study the formation of crystal-field effects
during thermal oxidation of titanium in an ambient atmosphere and
range of temperatures. The X-ray absorption spectroscopy is employed
for quantitative analysis of average t2g–eg crystal-field splitting (Δoct) and relative t2g/eg bands occupancy. The obtained result shows that Δoct
changes as a function of temperature from 1.97 eV for a passive oxide
layer created on a Ti metal surface at room temperature to 2.41 eV
at 600 °C when the material changes into the TiO2 rutile
phase. On the basis of XAS data analysis, we show that the Δoct
values determined from L2 and L3 absorption
edges are equal, indicating that the 2p1/2 and 2p3/2 core holes screen the t2g and eg electronic
states in a similar manner.