“…In addition to CSR‐financial performance link, researchers suggest to explore individual stakeholders' responses to these initiatives, which is called micro‐CSR studies (Aguinis & Glavas, 2012; Boğan, 2020; Rupp & Mallory, 2015). Within micro level CSR studies, mostly customers (García de Leaniz & Del Bosque Rodríguez, 2015; González‐Rodríguez & Díaz‐Fernández, 2020; Swimberghe & Wooldridge, 2014; Yin, Du, & Chen, 2020), qualified prospective employees (Boğan & Dedeoğlu, 2019a; Horng, Hsu, & Tsai, 2019), local people (Su et al, 2017; Lee, Kim, & Kim, 2018; Gursoy, Boğan, Dedeoğlu, & Çalışkan, 2019) and incumbent employees' responses to CSR practices are investigated. Extant studies have shown a positive relationship between hospitality employees' CSR perceptions and various employee outcomes such as affective organizational commitment (Wong & Gao, 2014), organizational identification (Cheema, Afsar, Al‐Ghazali, & Maqsoom, 2020; Park & Levy, 2014), employee volunteerism (Afridi et al, 2020), work engagement (Gürlek & Tuna, 2019), job satisfaction (Appiah, 2019; Boğan, Türkay, & Dedeoğlu, 2018), authenticity (Afridi et al, 2020), organizational citizenship behavior (Hur, Moon, & Choi, 2019; Kim, Rhou, Uysal, & Kwon, 2017), trust in organization (Boğan & Dedeoğlu, 2019b) pro‐environmental behavior (Cheema et al, 2020), job crafting (Hur et al, 2019), and innovative work behavior (Afridi et al, 2020).…”