It is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) that partographs be used to monitor every delivery. A partograph is a low-cost and simple tool designed to provide continuous data on the labor process and is used to predict the progress of labor and improve results. The next-generation partograph, known as The WHO Labor Care Guide (LCG), was released by the WHO in December 2020. The new highlights of LCG were documentation using numerical figures, specific threshold limits that would initiate intervention, and supportive maternal care.
This study aimed to determine whether midwives who utilize WHO LCG can accept and apply it in rural settings.
This study adopted a mixed-method design, with the quantitative phase using a questionnaire and the qualitative phase using interviews, to evaluate midwives' usability, feasibility, acceptability, and satisfaction with the WHO LCG. During February 2024 and April 2024, research data were gathered from three rural hospitals. The distribution and characteristics of midwives and patients were identified using descriptive data analysis, and the results are presented in the tables. Data from the interviews are also reported.
Data were collected from 41 midwives in three rural hospitals. Midwives observed labor in 123 patients using LCG. According to the questionnaire, 49.6% of the midwives were satisfied with the use of LCG, 65% were satisfied with how LCG was designed, and 68.3% thought LCG was useful. According to the midwives' interviews, the LCG design was detailed; however, in its implementation, the midwives agreed that more time, information, and effective communication were needed to complete it.
The LCG design is believed to be more detailed and easy to fill in, but midwives are not yet accustomed to the new format, so they require frequent training. In addition, prompt cooperative decision-making requires excellent communication between the obstetrician and the midwife to make timely joint decisions.