Objectives: To estimate the percentage of patients with COPD trained in the consultation for the management of inhalers in the province of Leon. Methods: Multicenter epidemiological cross-sectional study (30 health centers in the province of Leon). It included patients older than 35 years diagnosed and treated for COPD. Study variables: age, sex, habitat, anthropometric data, nutritional status, smoking, post bronchodilator spirometry, dyspnea (mMRC), exacerbations, severity (Bodex Index), hospitalization, treatment, monitoring and characterization of the phenotype (GesEPOC 2014). Results are expressed with CI 95.5%. Results: Eight hundred and thirty-three patients were included. 85.8% male with an average age of 64.69 (53.66 to 75.61) and 20.65 years (4.47 to 36.8) years course of COPD. An average of 1.88% (1.64 to 2.16) employed inhaler devices, p = 0.006, (57% correctly, 23% regularly ok and 20% incorrectly). 20.9% received no training to use inhalers against 79.1% who were trained to do so, p < 0.001 (9.4% by pneumologists, 20.3% by nurses and 43.5% by family physicians, p = 0.002). Well-trained patients performed better the treatment in 60.60% of the cases (58.91 to 62.29), p = 0.002. There were no signifi cant differences in training by smoking, severity, hospital admissions, or quality of life, resulting in a signifi cant reduction in the number of exacerbations, being 1.59 (1.12 to 2.15) the average of exacerbations in the trained group versus 3.29 (2.50 to 4.11) in the untrained, p = 0.002. Conclusions: The degree of training in the use of inhalers in patients with COPD is poor in our midst. A better training of our professionals and simplifying the inhaler devices contribute to an increased number of patients who fulfi ll the treatment properly.
ResumenObjetivos: estimar el porcentaje de pacientes con EPOC adiestrados en la consulta para el manejo de inhaladores en la provincia de León. Métodos: estudio epidemiológico, transversal, multicéntrico (30 centros de salud de la provincia de León). Incluyó pacientes mayores de 35 años diagnosticados y tratados de EPOC. Variables a estudio: edad, sexo, hábitat, datos antropométricos, estado nutricional, tabaquismo, espirometría postboroncodilatadora, disnea (mMRC), reagudizaciones, gravedad (Índice Bodex), hospitalizaciones, tratamiento, seguimiento y caracterización del fenotipo (GesEOPC 2014). Los resultados se expresan con sus IC al 95,5%. Resultados: se incluyeron 833 pacientes, el 85,8% varones, con edad media de 64,69 (53,66-75,61) años y 20,65 (4,47-36,8) años evolución de la EPOC. Empleaban 1,88 (1,64-2,16) dispositivos inhaladores de media, p = 0,006, (57% de forma correcta, 23% regular y el 20% incorrecta). El 20,9% no recibieron adiestramiento para usar inhaladores frente al 79,1% adiestrados, p < 0,001, (9,4% por neumólogos, 20,3% enfermeras y 43,5% médicos familia, p = 0,002). Los pacientes bien adiestrados realizan mejor el tratamiento, en el 60,60% (58,29), p = 0,002. No hubo diferencias signifi cativas en el adiestramiento por tabaquism...