The ability of enzymes to work in media other than water is now widely accepted, and is the basis of extensive basic research on enzyme catalysis and many biotechnological applications [1]. The fact that most enzymes have evolved in an aqueous environment in living cells does not mean that they cannot be transferred and be functional in a completely different kind of medium [2][3][4]. Our recent molecular modeling studies have depicted the molecular mechanism of the effects of different hydration percentages on the structural [5] and enantioselective properties of enzymes [6] when placed in organic solvents such as hexane. Many experimental studies in the field of nonaqueous enzymology have focused their attention on demonstrating that the amount of water in the organic medium plays an important role in controlling the catalytic properties of the enzymes [5][6][7][8][9]. These studies have shown that when enzymes are used in organic solvents, water retains its fundamental role in controlling the physical properties of the enzyme, and this role probably cannot be taken by other solvent. In such systems, the effect of water is complicated to investigate, because this solvent is distributed in several phases; it can be in the vapor phase, adsorbed to the support material, dissolved in the organic liquid phase, or bound to the enzyme [10].Of the total water added to the organic medium, the effect of the organic solvents on the enzyme seems to be primarily due to the water that is bound to the enzyme [7,11]. This bound water is usually measured experimentally in terms of the thermodynamic activity of water, assuming that, for enzymatic reactions A comprehensive study of the hydration mechanism of an enzyme in nonaqueous media was done using molecular dynamics simulations in five organic solvents with different polarities, namely, hexane, 3-pentanone, diisopropyl ether, ethanol, and acetonitrile. In these solvents, the serine protease cutinase from Fusarium solani pisi was increasingly hydrated with 12 different hydration levels ranging from 5% to 100% (w ⁄ w) (weight of water ⁄ weight of protein). The ability of organic solvents to 'strip off' water from the enzyme surface was clearly dependent on the nature of the organic solvent. The rmsd of the enzyme from the crystal structure was shown to be lower at specific hydration levels, depending on the organic solvent used. It was also shown that organic solvents determine the structure and dynamics of water at the enzyme surface. Nonpolar solvents enhance the formation of large clusters of water that are tightly bound to the enzyme, whereas water in polar organic solvents is fragmented in small clusters loosely bound to the enzyme surface. Ions seem to play an important role in the stabilization of exposed charged residues, mainly at low hydration levels. A common feature is found for the preferential localization of water molecules at particular regions of the enzyme surface in all organic solvents: water seems to be localized at equivalent regions of the enzyme surfac...