In this research, the tool-chip interface temperature (TCTI), the tool temperature (TT) and the average surface roughness (Ra) were measured experimentally during the turning of AISI 4140 alloy steel with TiAlN-TiN, PVD-coated, WNVG 080404-IC907 tungsten carbide inserts using an IR pyrometer technique, a K-type thermocouple and a portable surface-roughness measurement device, respectively. The workpiece material was heat treated by an induction-hardening process and hardened up to a value of 50 HRC. The Taguchi method L18 (21 × 37) was used for the determination of the optimum control factors. The depth of cut, the cutting speed and the feed rate were taken as control factors. The analysis of variance was applied in order to determine the effects of the control factors on the tool-chip interface temperature, the tool temperature and the surface roughness. The optimum combinations of the control factors for TCTI, TT and Ra were determined as a2v1f3, a1v3f2 and a2v3f1, respectively. Second-order predictive models were developed with a linear-regression analysis, and the coefficients of correlation for TCTI, TT and Ra were calculated as R 2 = 92.8, R 2 = 68.1 and R 2 = 82.6, respectively.Keywords: tool temperature, thermocouple, pyrometer, machining, Taguchi method V raziskavi so bile eksperimentalno izmerjenene tempetratura na stiku orodje-ostru`ek (TCTI), temperatura orodja (TT) in povpre~na hrapavost povr{ine (Ra) pri stru`enju legiranega jekla AISI 4140, z volfram karbidnimi vlo`ki WNVG 080404-IC907 s PVD prevleko iz TiAlN-TiN, z uporabo IR pirometra, termoelementi vrste K in s prenosnim merilnikom hrapavosti. Obdelovanec je bil toplotno obdelan z indukcijskim ogrevanjem in hlajenjem na trdoto 50 HRC. Za dolo~anje optimalnih kontrolnih faktorjev je bila uporabljena Taguchi metoda L18 (21 × 37). Globina rezanja, hitrost rezanja in hitrost podajanja so bile vzete kot kontrolni faktorji. Analiza variance je bila uporabljena za dolo~anje vpliva kontrolnih faktorjev na temperaturo prehoda orodje-ostru`ek, temperaturo orodja in hrapavost povr{ine. Dolo~ene so bile optimalne kombinacije kontrolnih faktorjev za TCTI, TT in Ra , kot a2v1f3, a1v3f2 and a2v3f1. Z linearno regresijsko analizo so bili razviti modeli drugega reda za napovedovanje in izra~unani so bili koeficienti korelacije za TCTI, TT in Ra kot R 2 = 92,8, R 2 = 68,1 in R 2 = 82,6.